Is it cold in Richmond?

So the city has been covered in a soft and fluffy blanket of freezing, dangerous, terrible, confusing, evil snow for the past week. Schools are closed. Streets are caked in black slushy crud. The ones that are plowed anyway, which in this city is sadly so very few. If you live in or are near a street that is not plowed or have the misfortune of having your car parked on one of these neglected streets you no doubt have made some other kind of plans that don't include driving. Many have cleared out the nearby markets of precious provisions - we had reports that the local health food supermarket was completely cleaned out of Almond Butter - in order to survive what can only be described as the frozen end of times. 

At any rate, we decided to get out and see what the folks in Richmond were doing to keep themselves sane in this most trying of times. Yaa lead the charge around Chimborazo park.

She reported that she was not even a little cold!  


Featured products: BlankNYC 'Night Rider' faux fur lined moto jacket and LAMade Heavy leggings