Truxton - We Lost Our Way album release today

Truxton was a band I had started back in about 2000 in Oakland CA with two good friends who believed in me and my songs enough to stand on a stage and play for whomever would listen.

Fast forward through a tour or two, some lineup changes, and many years sweating it out on Bay Area stages and you have ‘We Lost Our Way.’ The band’s final album. Like a snapshot in time It truly shows a still life of what the band was doing and where it was going musically. From our early shows at Bottom of the Hill to the day we played our last show on the stage at El Rio in 2013 We Lost Our Way tells the story of it all…at least it does to me.

It was recorded in 2011 in Oakland CA and after some debate about how it should be released and a few years on the shelf, it was decided that the songs needed to see the light of day.

This project is a deeply personal one for me and it represents a lot of ‘blood sweat and tears’ so-to-speak and is meant to be a ‘thank you’ to all those who loved and supported the project. We love you sincerely!

Who knows what will happen in the future, but for now I thank you for listening!