VA the beautiful!

Some days it is great to step away from the shop for a couple hours and explore this beautiful chunk of America. One of my favorite ways to do that is to fire up the 550 and whip down the road. I finally got the chance to ride route 5 East to Williamsburg and I wish I knew about it sooner. I am used to roads like Grizzly Peak, Snake Road, or Highline Blvd. But Route 5 is a totally different feel altogether. More straight aways, a TON more open fields and farmland. I mean it just feels like stepping back in time at some points in the ride. The air is not only clean, but at some stretches of the ride down right fragrant! A few moments of my ride I caught myself marveling at how relaxed the ride made me. This is not to say that my beloved CA rides were not relaxing, beautiful and/or fragrant, just that this ride was a totally different experience altogether. At one point on one ride I got completely caught by a HUGE thunderstorm and had to seek refuge in an abandoned (maybe?) cafe. Thankfully it was warm rain and I could strip to the waist and dry off my clothes without freezing to death!

I really look forward to finding more roads like this! Maybe soon...a shop ride? 

Anyway, I'm going swimming here ASAP!!!
